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Has Someone Gotten Chartock's Attention?

To: WAMC Northeast Pirate Network
Shortly after I sent my letter to you complaining about WAMC's omni present Chartock, I tuned in to Me and Mario.  I think it was last week's edition.  To my amazement, Chartock was very subdued.  It was a pleasure to hear what Cuomo had to say and even what Chartock had to say without all the unamusing banter and insults that one usually has to wade through to get an idea of what they are talking about.  Has someone gotten the attention of Chartock and let him know how inappropriate his remarks are?

I haven't heard The Media Project recently, another show that I think has a lot to offer if personal remarks and insults were eliminated from the format.

Are the letters of protest which come to you posted somewhere?  Does Chartock get to see them?


Thursday, February 17, 2000

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